تأمين الحماية القانونية
دائماً ما يكلف التقاضي الكثير من المال. ولا يتعين على خصمك دفع هذه التكاليف إلا إذا خسر أمام المحكمة. لذلك، يتهرب الكثيرون من مثل هذه النزاعات خوفاً من التكاليف الناتجة - حتى لو كانوا على حق. يمكن أن يغطي تأمين الحماية القانونية جميع تكاليف أي نزاعات قانونية يتعين عليك التعامل معها
تفاصيل عن تأمين الحماية القانونية الخاص والمهني والمروري
In principle, all legal matters can be insured. Depending on your needs, special insurance can be taken out for different legal areas.
In addition, the risk of participating in road traffic can be insured. For:
In addition, the risk of participating in road traffic can be insured. For:
- Owner, keeper, driver or occupant of all vehicles registered in your name or insured in your name when the contract was concluded and during the term of the contract
- Drivers not on vehicles allowed on you
- Pedestrians, cyclists or passengers
The following risks are excluded from the insurance cover:
- Defense against claims for damages by third parties
- Disputes arising from an intentional crime
- Disputes with your own legal protection insurance company
- Disputes between the policyholder and persons who are also insured in the same insurance policy
- Disputes in connection with gaming or betting contracts as well as futures or similar speculative transactions
- Administrative offenses committed willfully
- Disputes that arise in the planning, construction, renovation and financing of real estate
- Expropriation, plan approval, land consolidation procedures as well as all matters regulated in the building code
- Mining damage that occurs to buildings or properties
- Development and resident taxes as well as tax valuation of properties
- Disputes from stopping and parking violations
- Costs that arise from the fourth or any further enforcement measure per enforcement order
- Costs that someone else would have to cover if there is no legal protection insurance
Activity types
Legal protection insurance includes various benefits:- Legal protection for damages for the assertion of claims for damages, insofar as these are not based on a breach of contract
- Legal protection at work for safeguarding legal interests arising from employment relationships
- Legal protection in contract and property law for the safeguarding of legal interests arising from private law obligations and rights in rem, insofar as insurance protection is not included in the type of damage compensation legal protection.
- Tax legal protection for the defense of legal interests in tax and tax law matters before German tax and administrative courts.
- Social court legal protection for the defense of legal interests before German social courts
- Disciplinary and professional protection for the defense in disciplinary and professional law proceedings
- Criminal legal protection for the defense on charges of an offense
- Administrative offense legal protection for the defense on account of the charge of a regulatory offense
- Advisory legal protection in family and inheritance law after the occurrence of a legal protection case for advice or information from a lawyer licensed in Germany, if the matter is not related to another fee-based activity of the lawyer
Up to the insured amount shown in the insurance contract, the legal protection insurance covers a large number of
- Cost of your own lawyer
- Correspondence lawyer costs if the court is more than 100 km away from the policyholder's place of residence
- Court costs including witness fees and costs of court-appointed experts
- Bailiff costs
- Cost of having your own expert
- Defense costs in criminal and administrative offense proceedings in traffic law
- Costs for asserting claims for damages under traffic law in cases abroad
- Costs in disputes based on a vehicle purchase or repair contract.
- Travel expenses of the policyholder to foreign courts if the personal appearance has been ordered by a court
- Translation costs for documents in foreign cases
- Costs of the other party, insofar as the policyholder is obliged to reimburse
Different people can be insured as required:
- Policyholder
- Spouse or illegitimate partner
- Minor children
- Unmarried children of legal age up to the point in time at which they start a permanent professional activity
In principle, the insurance cover applies worldwide. Various legal disputes have to take place in Germany, e.g. social court and tax legal protection only exists in German courts.
There is a waiting period of 3 months in
- Legal protection at work
- Building, apartment and property legal protection
- Legal protection in contract and property law
- Tax legal protection
- Social court legal protection
- Administrative legal protection
This is to prevent legal protection insurance from being taken out if a claim is already looming.
The waiting period does not apply if a similar contract existed with another company for the same risk and the new contract follows directly.
There is no waiting time for types of services for which a damage event can hardly be foreseen in terms of time:- Legal protection for damages
- Disciplinary and professional legal protection
- Criminal legal protection
- Administrative offense legal protection
- in family and inheritance law
- in the case of purchase or leasing contracts for a new vehicle