Accidents happen quickly and unexpectedly
Long stays in hospital or disability are often the result of accidents. Protect yourself against the financial risks of an accident.
Your advantages:

Financial protection in the event of an accident

Security from unexpected consequences
Accident insurance details
Fortunately, many accidents end without permanent damage to health. Nevertheless, it can happen that those affected are seriously injured and can then no longer carry out their job and their leisure time habits. Most accidents still occur during leisure time, when there is no statutory accident insurance coverage.
Private accident insurance can close this gap and compensate for the resulting loss of income.
In order for an accident to also count as an accident for the insurance company, certain requirements must be met. Only then will the insurers provide appropriate financial compensation.
That means:
- An accident must happen suddenly.
- An accident is not intended.
- An accident is an external event.
- The damage caused by the accident is a direct impairment to health.
Every person can be insured from birth. People of all ages can protect themselves from the financial losses caused by an accident. Since everyone is exposed to certain dangers and can suffer an accident, almost everyone can take out insurance.
In most cases, private accident insurance is valid worldwide and around the clock. Accidents during leisure time are recorded as well as accidents during working hours.
The central component of a private accident insurance is the disability benefit. This is always included. But there are other individual services:
- Death
- Daily allowance
- Daily hospital allowance
- Convalescence allowance
- Transition allowance
- Rescue costs
- Cosmetic surgery costs
- Accidents that occur to the insured while committing a crime or attempting to commit a crime.
- Accidents that occur directly or indirectly as a result of war or civil war events. The same applies to accidents caused by civil unrest, provided that the insured is on the side of the troublemaker.
- Accidents that happen due to impaired consciousness. This can include, for example, epileptic seizures, but also drunkenness.
- Accidents that occur at racing events where it is important to achieve top speeds.
- Accidents in which the insured person acts as an aircraft pilot or uses an aircraft for work
- Damage to health caused by radiation (e.g. X-rays) is often not insured.
- Damage to health caused by interventions or measures carried out by the insured person himself or on behalf of his or her body