Provider identification / initial information
(according to § 15 VersVermV)
Due to legal obligations, we are required to transmit or hand over the following information to you.
Legal status:
You will find information and information on this in the general contractual basis for the broker power of attorney and the insurance broker.
Company address / information about the company:
FEA Versicherungsmakler GmbH
Hirzstr. 13
50937 Cologne
represented by the managing director: Firas El Azem
Phone: +49 221 53006969
Fax: +49 322 29001390
Mobile: +49 160 94671312
E-Mail: info@feavm.com
Registered at the local court in: Cologne Local Court
Commercial register number: HRB 100145 Tax
number: 219/5812/2982
Responsible tax office:
Hirzstr. 13
50937 Cologne
Telephone (headquarters): +49 221 53006969
Fax (headquarters): +49 322 29001390
Website: www.feavm.de
Status: The entry in the broker register exists as:
Approved insurance broker with permission according to § 34d Abs. 1 Z. 2 GewO with the registration number D-PM33-RU7I3-61
Professional liability insurance
We have professional liability insurance that meets the requirements of the Insurance Brokers Ordinance (VersVermV).
Authority for the permit according to §34d Abs. 1 Z. 2 GewO:
Indistrie.- und Handelskammer zu Köln
Unter Sachsenhausen 10-26
50667 Cologne
Telephone (head office): +49 221 1640-0
Fax (head office): +49 221 1640129
website : https://www.ihk-koeln.de
The entry in the broker register can be checked as follows:
German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) eV
Breite Straße 29, 10178 Berlin
Telephone: 0180 600 58 50
(landline price € 0.20 / call; mobile phone prices maximum € 0.60 / call)
Others Information: www.vermittlerregister.info
Consulting service:
With regard to the brokered insurance products, the broker offers advice.
For brokering the insurance products, the broker receives a commission, which is included in the insurance premium. In addition, the broker also receives other benefits when brokering insurance investment products. The intermediary mediates insurance products from a large number of different insurers. The fees, commissions and benefits agreed with the individual insurance companies differ according to the amount.
Any deviating from this must be expressly agreed between the agent and the client. In particular when it comes to the brokerage of so-called net products, a separate remuneration agreement is usually agreed, which obliges the client to pay the remuneration. Net products are products for which the agency fee is not included in the insurance premium.
The following arbitration boards can be called on to settle disputes out of court:
Complaint management:
In the event of complaints, you can always contact:
FEA Versicherungsmakler GmbH
Hirzstr. 13
50937 Cologne
Phone: +49 221 53006969
Fax : +49 322 29001390
Mobile: +49 160 94671312
E-Mail: info@feavm.com
Information on participation in the dispute settlement procedure in accordance with Section 36 of the Consumer Dispute Settlement Act
According to Section 17 (4) of the Insurance Mediation Ordinance, we are obliged to participate in the dispute settlement procedure before the following consumer arbitration boards:
Versicherungsombudsmann eV,
Postfach 08 06 32, 10006 Berlin
Further information: www.versicherungsombudsmann.de
Ombudsman Private Health and Long-Term Care Insurance,
Postfach 06 02 22, 10052 Berlin
Further information: www.pkv-ombudsmann.de
Arbitration board for commercial insurance and investment and loan brokerage
Glockengießerwall 2
20095 Hamburg
Professional regulations:
- § 34d Trade Regulations (possibly § 34c Trade Regulations, § 34f Trade Regulations, § 34i Trade Regulations)
- Sections 59-68 VVG
- VersVermV
The professional regulations can be viewed and accessed on the homepage operated by the Federal Ministry of Justice and juris GmbH at www.gesetze-im-internet.de .
Further information:
As part of the intermediary directive, it is the responsibility of the insurance customer to inform the intermediary in good time if the circumstances change, e.g. due to a change in bank account, marriage, offspring, change of location, professional stay abroad, divorce, self-employment, establishment of a company registered in the commercial register, etc. Only then are we able to take responsibility for the correctness and completeness of your insurance and pension system.
In the event of damage, please inform us immediately so that we can forward the report to the respective insurer in good time. Please also inform us before you place a repair order or make a new purchase. We will obtain the appropriate cover letter from the insurer beforehand.