
Banks must clearly indicate overdraft

You often pay more than 10 percent overdraft interest for an overdrawn checking account, even at the current low interest rate. However, many bank customers only become painfully aware of this when they look at the account statement. However, credit institutions must clearly inform their customers of the amount of the required overdraft interest, as the Federal […]
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Change car insurance for the new year: Here’s how

Do you want to switch to a cheaper car insurer in order to save hard cash in the coming year? Then mark November 30, 2021 in your calendar, because your contract termination must reach the old insurer by this date so that you can insure your vehicle with a new and cheaper company from 2022. The […]
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Transfer vehicle no-claims class: This is how it works

The contribution to the motor vehicle insurance depends on the type of car, but also on the no-claims class achieved. The longer you are on the road without an accident, the less you pay for insurance coverage. Pleasing: Within the family, once a no-claims class has been achieved, it can often be passed on and this saves […]
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Construction loan: Pay attention to the stand-by interest

Craftsman services are currently scarce – there are often delays when building a house. Caution: If you call up a real estate loan later than planned, commitment interest may be incurred, which will make the loan noticeably more expensive. What you should know as a building owner about deployment interest. Commitment interest is charged by banks on […]
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